OHSAS 18001 Training
OHSAS 18001 is an Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series specifications that enable organizations to assess themselves against the occupation health and safety risks prevailing in their workplace and get themselves certified. During the intervening period, the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards were revised hence the OHSAS specifications had to be revised too. The changes that have been revised have been done to align the occupational health and safety assessment with the quality management services and EMS, to facilitate organizations to move towards integrated management system if they desire to move in that direction.
The main features of the specifications include the health, tolerable risk and acceptance risk, accident and incident, hazard and risk assessment process, management of change, compliance evaluation and occupational health and safety performance, need for continual improvement as well as a place of work.
The OHSAS has majorly focused on the health and well-being of employees thus the system comprises of the policy, planning, implementing and operation, checking and corrective action and management reviews. Thus, the real definition of the occupational health and safety as per standard OHSAS 18001 states that the condition and factors that affect or could affect the health and safety of employees or other workers, whether temporary or contacted personnel, visitors or any other person in the place of work. The emphasis is on the conditions and factors which are presently not getting focus or raising concerns but are likely to affect the health and safety of a person in due time. Get more info at this website!
Another focus is the definition of the workplace which has now been defined as any physical location in which work-related activities are performed under the control of the organization. The workplace has been widened, and now it includes traveling, in transit, working at premises of a client or working at home. By changing the working environment, the economic conditions and the transgression to borderless world, the occupational health and safety management system has widened and now covers all the activities in its bracket. Get ISO 9001 Training here!
Being OHSAS 18001 certified comes with many advantages which include creating a work environment that has a low risk of accidents or professional damages. Also implementing the standards will greatly reduce the accidents rates as well as improving the accident reporting and post-accident processes. By demonstrating that the company is committed to having an effective health and safety policy, the company shows that the health and safety are a priority for the top management policy. It also improves the reputation and investor satisfaction thus allowing the company to gain a major advantage on the market. To get more information regarding health and safety, visit this website at https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health.